Plum soil drying

Plum soil drying

Salted plum

Large-leaved ground cherry




Shiso plum

Shiso plum

red perilla cultivation

red perilla cultivation

Green shiso roll Sweet miso roll

Green shiso roll Sweet miso roll

Green shiso roll Sweet miso roll

Grated perilla leaf and radish

Grated perilla leaf and daikon radish

Shiso syrup

Chicken fillet and plum

Chicken fillet and plum

Chicken fillet and plum

Chicken fillet, plum and shiso


Tempura platter

Grated perilla hamburger

Meat roll

Stir-fried egg king king mushroom

Shiso and chicken breast tofu hamburger

Stir-fried egg king king mushroom

Stir-fried egg and king king mushroom

Meat roll

Stir-fried egg king king mushroom

Stir-fried egg and perilla king mushroom

Stir-fried egg and perilla king mushroom

Chicken breast hamburger with shiso maki round plate

Stir-fried egg and king king mushroom

Stir-fried egg and perilla king mushroom

Ibodai fish preparation

Braised pork Korean style

red perilla leaves

Fish dishes Uoze no Nanbanzuke

Taiwan plant red shiso red perilla

Suribachi and Sesame

Handmade shiso tempura and deep-fried tofu 10

Shizuno open drying

Perilla leaves

Red perilla ears

Blue sky and shiso flowers



ヒ ド リ 野 の 花 Purple flower

Barota Pseudo Dict Tamnas

Ooba Begonia

shredded perilla

perilla seedling home garden herb cultivation

perilla seed

Red perilla 231

A cute purple perilla flower blooming in the field

Cream pasta

Homemade side dish, perilla tempura and deep-fried tofu 1

Ibodai fish

Yabumao leaves eaten by insects

Sysokusa (wildflower)

Moroheiya and Perilla

Shiso roll

Braised pork Korean style

Shiso roll


shiso flower

Perilla miso

A cute purple perilla flower blooming in the field

Limnophila (wild grass)


Bread using flexseed (egoma)

Homemade side dish, perilla tempura and deep-fried tofu 5

Homemade side dish, shiso tempura and deep-fried tofu 4

Homemade side dish, perilla tempura and deep-fried tofu 6


Shredded perilla

Ibodai fish


shiso juice

perilla leaves

Wild red shiso

French lavender and honey bee

Shizuno open drying

Shizuno open drying

Shizuno open drying

Shizuno open drying

Shizu no open drying


Roasted sesame white

Black mondo grass

Shisokusa (wild grass)

Big Leaf 2

Braised pork Korean style

red perilla

perilla seedling home garden herb cultivation

perilla seed

red perilla juice

Perilla cultivated in Sao Paulo
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