You are looking for eye-catching free photos that could be used legally both for your next personal and commercial projects? With millions of photos available and many more are added on a daily basis by our creators, PhotoAC will be a right choice for you. Exploring photoAC's categories and collections, you can surely find the right photos that you need in minutes.
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Frequently asked questions about free stock images on photoAC
Question 1: How can I use free stock photos and images downloaded from photoAC for commercial projects?
If you want to use our resources in products for sell, you must ensure that these are not the main elements of the design.
For example, you cannot sell t-shirts, mugs, vinyls, calendars, etcetera, if these have an image from our sites as the main element of the design.
This means that you must use your own designs or third party designs to create the main elements of the composition and use images on our sites as backgrounds or secondary elements.
If multiple images on our sites are used to create the design, these will all be considered main elements, as they all belong to our sites.
Please be aware that this rule applies to both free and premium users.
Question 2: What are the diffrences between main elements and secondary elements?
Main element
An image is used as the main element when the resource is used in a product (physical or digital) as it has been downloaded from our site, without any changes being applied to the design.
It will also be considered the main element when small changes are applied to the design, like changing the color or orientation.
If you add other elements created by yourself or by a third party, like small details or adding/changing the text, but the design from our sites is still the element with more weight in the final composition, meaning that it attracts the attention before the other parts on the design, this will still be understood as main element.
If you add other elements created by yourself or by a third party, like small details or adding/changing the text, but the design from our sites is still the element with more weight in the final composition, meaning that it attracts the attention before the other parts on the design, this will still be understood as main element.
Secondary element
ACworks resources are used as secondary elements when other elements, not from our sites, are added to the final composition and become more important than the resource from ACworks.
Please be noticed that using multiple images from our sites is also considered as the main element, so you need to add other designs created by yourself or from a third party.
If you want to use a background from our sites to add other elements on top, like a message in a fancy typography, please note that you must choose a background that has less weight than the text you add, like a watercolor or an abstract background.
If you choose a background with a floral frame or an illustration and just change the text it will not be enough.
Patterns cannot be used to create products like clothes, notebooks or wrapping paper, if these are to be used commercially, since these are considered main elements. You would need to create a new pattern, adding other elements not from our sites to the design.
Question 3: Can I use the photos and images downloaded from photoAC as the main elements for my commercial projects?
Extra licenses are required if you would like to use the photos and images downloaded from photoAC in your designs as main elements for commercial purposes. Only images from the creator named ACworks allow you to obtain an extra license. To purchase extra licenses, your account first needs to be a premium account. Once you buy the extra license of an image, you can use the image with no limitation regarding the time of use and the number of projects.
To search for images from ACworks creator, you can refer to AC-collections or use the filter by creator’s name function after searching.
Brief Intro About Royal Free Images and Free Stock Photos
There are currently so many illustrations, stock videos, images, and free pictures, all of which are only a click away because this is a golden age, and graphic design has advanced in so many ways. Today, you’ll find amazing free stock photos on different platforms, and these are unique images that can express almost any concept or mood.
Despite this, images created by someone else may have a few limitations, especially when it comes to the way the image can be used. This is an area of graphic design that tends to be confusing for many people, and you may have heard of royalty-free or royal free images, copyright-free images, and commercial use images before.
Whenever you use an image for any project, it’s generally advisable that it’s a stock image or a royal free image with a license to show for it. With that, you can be sure that you’re protected against any lawsuit, or claim from other companies, or even the creator of the image.
In this article, you’ll find all you need to know about royal free images, free stock photos, and where you can get free pictures.
Royal free images are images that are created with a unique licenses. Businesses and even individuals can license these free pictures and use the images without the need for renewing the license. In some cases, the license that comes with the royal free images may be for a short-term. Therefore, you can only use such royal free images for a particular period. You may need to track down the source for a new license if the old license expires.
After downloading royal free images, in most cases, you’ll have to pay for the license, which allows you to use the image for your project at any time. You only need to ensure that you are not violating the terms of the license, and with that, you can keep the stock image for as long as you want, without worries of getting sued.
Today, people use royal free images and stock images for many reasons, and you might be wondering how you can use royal free images and stock images for free. People use these images for different projects today. You can find royal free images, stock images, and vectors images on almost every graphic design project that you look at today. With a strong and compelling image, you can make your brand stand out, whether it’s in a sales presentation or on a blog post.
Royal free images and stock images are a cheaper option for people who need these images to make an impact on their business, especially in the social world we live in today. Regardless of the design you have in mind, you can use royal images for a myriad of purposes, from blog posts to corporate presentations, in-store displays, sales brochures, and even on social media ads.
You might already be wondering where you can get these royal free images and stock images from. As mentioned earlier, we live in a golden era where things are a lot easier now. There are a lot of media libraries where you can get royal free images without hassle, and one of the best places to start with is photoAC. On photoAC, you can get all the royal free images, free pictures, free stock photos, and stock images, and you don’t require much to download these images and use them for different media projects.
How to Create Good and Trendy Stock Images
Now that you have an idea of what royal free images mean and the best place to get these images, in addition to stock images, free pictures, and free stock photos, you might want to try your creativity by making your own stock images. Continue reading if you’re wondering how to create good and trendy stock images.
Here are a few tips to help you create good and trendy stock images:
Ensure that the Picture Stand Out
When you’re taking pictures to use as stock images or royal free images, you’ll need to ensure that the subject is your primary focus. The subject needs to really pop out in the image, and it’s generally advisable that you remove anything that will distract the photo. Professional photographers will advise you not to shoot obvious images but to concentrate on ensuring that the image is visually intriguing.
There are different editing tricks that you can use in creating a recognizable and original style when creating stock images. It’s generally advisable to go through trends online to get the inspiration to make your own design. Regardless of what you’re designing, it’s best to ensure that it’s not blurry or out of focus because it will only make the image to be less appealing.
Have a Strategy
When creating royal free images, or stock images, it’s advisable to have a strategy to work with. This is a key way to prepare and ensure that you are at the top of your game. Before you shoot any picture, you’ll want to ensure that you have an appropriate location for the shoot. In addition, you also need to ensure that you are shooting the images from the right angle.
Landscapes is also an important factor that you should consider when you are taking royal free images or stock images. The aim is to ensure that you create visually appealing and memorable images.
Have Different Options
When creating good and trendy stock images, it’s recommended to have different varieties to work with. These images should also have a different focus, and it’s important that you take them from different angles and also apply amazing elements to these images.
You can also enlarge the images to ensure that there are no overlooked issues in these images. Blowing up your stock images will give you a clearer look at all the key details of the images and will also let the viewers appreciate the quality of the images even more.
Focus on the Topic
The best to ensure that your viewers return to get more of your royal free images and stock images is by placing your brand on the right track, and you can do this by selecting popular subjects for use as your primary focus.
While doing this, you also need to pay attention to the resolution that you are taking the image with. Images with high resolution are always wanted because they can be easily edited since they are of high quality. Your shots should also be more believable and realistic enough.
Don’t Ignore Current Trend
Remember that your goal is to create good and trendy royal free images and stock images. The easiest way to go about this is by ensuring that you are aware of every photography trend available. From the modern technologies to the different styles released on a daily basis, it’s important to ensure that you are up to date with every trend.
Become a Master of Editing Tools
To create better images, you also need to learn to use different editing tools, techniques, and gadgets. If you have a digital camera, the process will be a lot easier for you, but you’ll also need a few other tools and devices to enhance the appearance of the pictures you capture.
There are a myriad of tools that you can use in editing the royal free images and stock images that you capture, and you can start by learning how to use these tools.
With these tips, you can rest assured that you’ll create the best and most visually appealing royal free images and trendy stock images.
Popular Free Pictures on photoAC
As mentioned earlier, if you’re looking for a place where you can get all the free stock photos, free pictures, and royal free images, the first place you should check is photoAC because there are a myriad of these images available on the platform. These images are grouped into different categories so that you can easily search for the images that you want with respect to the category that you are looking for.
One amazing thing about the website is that it is constantly updated with new images, and with this, you’ll always find any image you are looking for on the platform. Another amazing thing is that in addition to the images being grouped into different categories, you can also search for the image you’re looking for with much ease by using the search tool provided. With this, the only thing that you need to do is input the key word of the free pictures or free stock photos that you’re looking for and leave the rest for the platform to find the picture of you.
Some of the popular free pictures, stock images, royal free images, and free stock photos that you’ll find on photoAC include the following:
- Transportation images: Which are images of the different means of transport, and you can find these images on photoAC
- Building and Architecture images: As the name suggests, they are images of different buildings and architectural designs.
- Nature images and landscape photos: These are free pictures that will help you appreciate the beauty of mother nature
- Sports images: Images of different types of sports and sports teams are also available on photoAC
Basically, there’s an endless list of images that you’ll find on photoAC. Some other free pictures available on the website include travel images, food and drink images, textures and background images, medical images, business images, interiors images, housing images, and every other image that you can think of. photoAC is your number one supply for all the free pictures, free stock photos, stock images, and royal free images that you need.
How to Use Royal Free Images and Stock Photos Effectively and Creatively
Here are the best ways to use these images effectively and creatively:
Using the images for graphic design
The first obvious reason why people in different parts of the world use these images today is mainly for graphic design and as a way of displaying their level of creativity to people all over the world. If you’re into photography and graphic design, you’ll need an unlimited supply of royal free images and stock photos, and there’s no better place to get these images than on photoAC.
Using the images for UI design
Another creative and effective way to use these images is if you’re creating a website or a mobile apps. There are tons of websites on the internet today, and these websites and mobile apps are mostly beautified with the aid of images. In most cases, these images were obtained from sites that offer royal free images and stock photos, and as highlighted earlier, you can get these images on photoAC. Therefore, if you’re wondering how you can use these free pictures effectively and creatively, you might want to consider using them for UI design
Using the images for marketing
In addition to the ways above, another way to use these images effectively and creatively is for marketing. Every business needs to market their product and services so that people in different parts of the world can be aware of what they are offering and perform business with them. From the different categories of images available on photoAC, you only need to select one that is a perfect representation of the type of business that you run and use it on your social network platforms and also on print materials to market your products and services. You only need to check photoAC for these images and be sure to find them.