Grandmother hugging her grandchildren

Girl and grandmother with a basket of flowers

Grandmother and grandson looking at the flowers in the basket together

Grandmother with a basket of flowers

Granny and girl with a flower basket

White daffodil daffodil

Yellow daffodils

Daffodils and Gunkanjima

Narcissus papyraceus

Narcissus cantabricus

Narcissus cantabricus

Narcissus cantabricus

Narcissus cantabricus


Winter landscape with Japanese daffodils in bloom

Scenery of Japanese daffodils blooming


Daffodils in full bloom

Petticoat daffodils stand out in the dark

Pretty Daffodil Narcissus papyraceus

A daffodil blooming

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower


Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Pure white daffodil

Japanese Narcissus Street


The pure glow of daffodils



Cute little flower daffodil

Daffodil flower

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Daffodil flower

Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village on Awaji Island

Minami Awaji Daffodil Line and Numashima from Nadakuroiwa Daffodil Village

Daffodil Narcissus Japanese daffodil

Daffodils and Gunkanjima

Cheerful daffodil

Daffodils and Gunkanjima

Daffodils and Gunkanjima

Daffodils and Gunkanjima

Daffodil close-up

Daffodil close-up

Daffodil close-up

Daffodil close-up


The daffodils bloom with dignity!

Pure petticoat-flowered daffodils

Spring color frame

Flowerbed with white daffodils


Daffodils beginning to bloom

Japanese daffodil

Daffodils in full bloom bathed in the spring sunshine










Daffodils and Ferris wheel

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower

Daffodil flower
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