Mount Moriyoshi in winter

Winter rockfill dam maintenance work


Fresh greenery on Mount Moriyoshi

A gondola moving through a frost forest

Inside of the frost-covered trees

Shrimp tails on ice

Snowy cedar forest and gondola

Cedar forest in winter

A gondola passing through frost formations

Gondola moving through the fog

Rime-covered trees in the mist

Beech frost forest

Rime on the inside of a tree

Morning frost

Hoarfrost covering the poles

Reflection of rice field

Mount Moriyoshi reflected in the rice fields

Beech forest

Huge rocks huddled together

Blue Tsuga Cherry

Blue Tsuga Cherry

Viola maximowicziana

Fresh green mountain

Double-flowered Aleutiana



Fresh green mountain trail

Fresh green view from the summit

Shelter with fresh greenery


Fresh green mountaintop

Chigo lily

Alpine plants and snowy mountain peaks

Fresh green mountain scenery


Snowy mountain peak


White-legged Plover

Cherry Blossoms



A colony of rockfoil

Yellow stalk

Yellow stalk

Mount Moriyoshi reflected in the water

Mount Moriyoshi reflected in the water

Small waterfall and mountain

Fresh greenery on Mount Moriyoshi

Cloud-covered Mt. Moriyoshi

Dam lake and mountains

Mountains seen from the square

Rockfill dam and mountain

Lakes and Mountains


Lakes and Mountains

Deep green mountain


Dam lake and mountains

The green mountain

Red fruit

Beech nuts

Ginger flower

Lapis Lazuli Fruit

Swallowtail fruit

Blue pine cone

Orange Lily

Quail-shaped fruit

Maizurusou fruit

Cherry blossoms and Mount Moriyoshi

Cherry blossoms and pond

Cherry blossoms and Mount Moriyoshi

Mount Moriyoshi and Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms and Mount Moriyoshi

Mount Moriyoshi and Cherry Blossoms

The summit and Hemerocallis middendorffii

Day lilies blooming on a hiking trail

Day lilies and the mountaintop

Day lilies blooming on a hiking trail

Pink and yellow flowers blooming on a hiking trail

Day lilies and the mountaintop

Aomoritodomatsu and blue sky

Mountains where Hemerocallis day lilies bloom

Cairns on the mountain trail


Fresh green mountain trail

A bellflower on a hiking trail

Walking through the fresh green mountains

White-legged Plover

Fluff of the Acanthus chinensis

View from the summit

Rock goby

Trekking through the fresh green mountains


Hemerocallis day lily

A hearty vineyard full of vines


Rowan flower


Lakes and Mountains
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