Blue sky and sunflower road

Blue sky and summer rural landscape


A road stretching between the summer sky and sunflowers

Blue sky, white clouds and sunflower field

blue sky and sunflower

Sunflower field in full bloom with blue sky

strawberry picking

rural landscape in summer

Sunflower cluster

Sunflower field with blue sky and vast expanse

White clouds, blue sky and sunflower field

sunny sky and sunflowers

Summer blue sky and sunflower field

Cosmos field in full bloom

picture frame and sunflower field

summer sky and sunflower field

Cosmos field in full bloom

Vast sunflower field in full bloom

A sunflower field that fits in the frame

Pink cosmos field in full bloom

Cosmos field in full bloom

Mashiko's big raccoon dog

light up


Entsuji Temple

Entsuji Temple

Entsuji Temple

Autumn leaves light up


Entsuji Temple

night walk

Japanese garden

Japanese garden light up

Mashiko main street


Mashiko Pottery Street


Ceramic art experience

Climbing kiln

Climbing kiln

Fall cherry tree

Mashiko cho

Mashiko Station

Mashiko Ceramic Art Museum

Recharge of the roof

Ohira Shrine

Tobacco field

Inside the climbing kiln


Inside the climbing kiln


Recharge of the roof

Tobacco field

Cosmos field


Mashiko Station



Mashiko Manhole

Inside the climbing kiln

Collapsed climber

Mashiko Station

Mashiko Station

Takano 槙

Recharge of the roof





Mashiko Station


Fire hydrant lid

Philip law Prince Hall


Mashiko ware matcha tea bowl

A silver finch eating rowan berries

Sunflower fields in Mashiko Town

Sunflower fields in Mashiko Town

Sunflowers all over

Mashiko Pottery Market

Saimyoji in Mashiko

Mashiko Pottery Market

Mashiko Pottery Market

Fruit sandwich

Traditional handmade miso in a ceramic bowl


Traditional handmade miso piled up in pottery

Road Station Mashiko

Traditional handmade miso piled up in pottery

Cold udon noodles on the balcony

Shochu mizuwari

Toge no Kamameshi

Yaki Kiln Mashiko

Mashiko, Ceramics Market

Road Station Mashiko 2

Cold udon noodles on the balcony

Traditional handmade miso in a ceramic bowl

Matcha tea bowl and tea bowl of Mashiko Yaki Tenmome bowl

Mashiko specialty Burma juice
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