A rainbow over the ice of Lake Shikotsu

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Early autumn blue Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Hokkaido Lake Shikotsu Blue

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Early autumn blue Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

A rainbow over the ice of Lake Shikotsu

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu in the midwinter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

A rainbow over the ice of Lake Shikotsu

Chitose City Winter's Biggest Event

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Fantastic ice sculpture Lake Shikotsu Blue Illuminated in the midwinter

Fantastic ice sculpture Lake Shikotsu Blue Illuminated in the midwinter

Blue wallpaper For blue images!!

Lake Shikotsu Shrine

Lake Shikoku Ice Festival

A rainbow over the ice of Lake Shikotsu

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Ice object

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

A rainbow over the ice of Lake Shikotsu

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Mountain Line Railway Bridge

Fantastic ice sculpture Lake Shikotsu Blue Illuminated in the midwinter

Fantastic ice sculpture Lake Shikotsu Blue Illuminated in the midwinter

Chitose City Winter's Biggest Event

Fantastic ice sculpture Lake Shikotsu Blue Illuminated in the midwinter

Fantastic ice sculpture Lake Shikotsu Blue Illuminated in the midwinter

Magic Hour and Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

Early autumn blue Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikoku Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Early autumn blue Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Early autumn blue Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Chitose City Winter's Biggest Event

Fantastic ice sculpture Lake Shikotsu Blue Illuminated in the midwinter

Chitose City Winter's Biggest Event

Chitose City Winter's Biggest Event

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival with a superb view

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Ice open-air museum

Ice open-air museum

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Early autumn blue Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

Early autumn blue Lake Shikotsu "Hokkaido"

Lake Shikotsu seen from Mt. Fuppushidake

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival

The biggest event in Lake Shikotsu

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter

Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival in the severe winter
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