Silang flowers wet in the rain

Ilex tree in Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Greenery and pond at Hinokicho Park in Minato Ward Autumn leaves

Nanten no Mi at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Roppongi's blue sky and skyscrapers Midtown

Nanten no Mi at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Maple leaves and hydrangeas in Tokyo Midtown

Nemunoki in Tokyo Midtown

Beautiful green Nanten leaves in Tokyo Midtown

The southern sky after the rain seen from Tokyo Midtown

Beautiful green Nanten leaves in Tokyo Midtown

Beautiful green Nanten leaves in Tokyo Midtown

Beautiful green southern leaves with rain drops

Treebana blooming in Tokyo Midtown

Treebana blooming in Tokyo Midtown

The fresh green of the maple is beautiful and the weather is fine.

titmouse perched on a branch

The red seeds and greens of the maple are vivid

Snow willow in Tokyo Midtown on a rainy day

sparrows gather

Plum blossoms bloom in mid-February in Tokyo

Tokyo Midtown with vivid white dogwood

White and purple wisteria flowers hang beautifully

plum blossom

A white wagtail is in the water

The cluster of Asebi is so beautiful

White-eye at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

White cherry blossoms in Tokyo Midtown

The precincts of Hikawa Shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo

The time has come for Yaezakura to take center stage

The flower of the fringed flower shines white and is beautiful

spot-billed duck on a rock

Tokyo Hie Shrine 2

Nanten flowers in Tokyo Midtown in the rain

Daffodils with rain drops

Mandarin flowers bloom with sweet fragrance

Meadowsweet and stream scenery

Sparrow at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Tokyo Midtown plate and Daurian Redstart

Lenten Rose and Shizuku in Tokyo Midtown

Metasequoia pruning work

A tree-lined street in Tokyo Midtown with vivid fresh greenery

Juneberry white flowers bloom

Azalea at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Stairs and brick building

A pure white dogwood swims in the clear sky

A pure white dogwood swims in the clear sky

Dogwood flowers and leaves have opened

White plum buds are about to open

Weeping plum blossoms in mid-February

flock of sparrows

sparrows gather

White plum blossoms bloom vividly in mid-January

I wonder if the red seeds and green of the maple are vivid

White plum blossoms are blooming beautifully

Ayame blooms in Tokyo Midtown

White syringa flowers bloomed

Small pink plum blossoms blooming in Hinokicho Park in early spring

basketball in the rain

Japanese irises wet in the rain at Hinokicho Park

Japanese irises wet in the rain at Hinokicho Park

A crow that found nest material

A crow that found nest material

Pruning a hydrangea garden on a rainy day

Hinokicho Park's pond froze in mid-February

Crape myrtle has bloomed in Akasaka, Tokyo

Spot-billed duck relaxing on a rock

Rosa dumaris blooming in Tokyo Midtown

Nanten no Mi at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Nanten Leaf at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Contest of blue and pink hydrangeas

The garden of Hinokicho Park is surrounded by irises and azaleas

Sparrow at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Lenten Rose and Shizuku in Tokyo Midtown

Lenten Rose and Shizuku in Tokyo Midtown

Nanten leaves in Tokyo Midtown with drops

Colored southern leaves in Tokyo Midtown

Treebana blooming in Tokyo Midtown

Southern sky leaves and drops in Tokyo Midtown

Colored southern leaves in Tokyo Midtown

Colored southern leaves in Tokyo Midtown

Lenten Rose and Shizuku in Tokyo Midtown

Weeping plum blossoms in Tokyo Midtown bloom in early February

White plum blossoms in Tokyo Midtown Hinokicho Park

Sparrow at Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka, Tokyo

Kashiwaba hydrangea in the shape of a triangle

Purple Hydrangea hydrangea wet in the rain

Japanese irises wet in the rain at Hinokicho Park

Contest of blue and pink Hydrangea hydrangeas

White crape myrtle in Tokyo Midtown

Japanese irises in Tokyo Midtown with a melting background

Tokyo Midtown and hydrangea on a rainy day

Daffodils with raindrops

Daffodils with rain drops

Daffodils with rain drops

Hydrangea in Tokyo Midtown in the rain

Pigeons bathing on a cold morning

The time has come for Yaezakura to take center stage

Gonzui and beautiful background

Sidewalk in front of Tokyo Midtown
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