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Kokuwa ♂ (4)
Kokuwa (6)
Dorcus rectus 02 horizontal
Dorcus rectus on the finger
Stag and stationery
Stag beetle [Kokuwagata]
Stag beetle
Dorcus rectus
Kokuwa ♀ (1)
Dorcus rectus
Dorcus rectus (white background)
Female of Kokuwagata
Kokuwa ♂ (2)
Kokuwa ♂ (3)
Dorcus rectus insect
Male Dorcus rectus
Male Dorcus rectus
I will not lose to imitation! !
Really! ! What?
Stag beetle male front view
Stag beetle front view
Dorcus rectus 01 Vertical
Stagnation _ stag
Kokuwa ♀ (2)
Stag beetle
Stag beetle
Stag beetle insect
A stag beetle (insect) in the Kunugi cave
Behind the scalpel of Kokuwagata
Rival emergence! !
Dorcus rectus female in late May
Male of stag beetle
I love you ~
Stag beetle
Stag Beetle Female Up
I caught a Kokuugata!
A couple of stag beetles living in the Kunugi Cave
Dorcus rectus female in late May
Stag beetle 2
Stag Beetle Osup
A stag beetle (insect) in a stag beetle
Kokuwa (5)
Dorcus rectus male and female
Dorcus rectus (insects)
A stag beetle (insect) in the Kunugi cave
Large Dorcus rectus before winter
Stag beetle
Large Dorcus rectus before winter
Looking for food and going to such a place ...
A stag beetle (stag beetle) that put its head out to suck the sap from the Kunugi cave
Dorcus rectus
The stag beetle lost in the room
Kokuwagata ♀ pupa
06.06.06 Sudajii and Kokuwagata at Goshikidai in Takamatsu City
Dorcus rectus female
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