Heart-shaped white gravel

Kanazawa Castle Park Castle ruins and park scenery

Kanazawa Castle Park Castle ruins and park scenery

Kanazawa Castle Park Castle ruins and park scenery

Brick buildings stand along the canal

Japanese-style Square in Shinozaki Park, Edogawa Ward

Hagi Castle Tsummaru The summit of Mt. Shizuki

Brick buildings along the narrow waterway of a canal

World Heritage Site Himeji Castle monument

Yoshida Castle, Honmaru moat and stone walls next to Minami Otamon Gate

Kanazawa Castle's Kahoku Gate is a nationally designated important cultural property and one of Japan's 100 famous castles.

Yoshida Castle Honmaru and Iron Tower Mock Tower

Yoshida Castle Moat

Kanazawa Castle's Kahoku Gate is a nationally designated important cultural property and one of Japan's 100 famous castles.

Yoshida Castle from the opposite bank of the Toyokawa River

Yoshida Castle Iron Tower Mock Tower

Yoshida Castle Minami Otamon Gate Ruins

Yoshida Castle Iron Tower Mock Tower

Yoshida Castle Iron Tower and Honmaru Mock Tower

Yoshida Castle Iron Tower Mock Tower

Yoshida Castle from the opposite bank of the Toyokawa River

A white-throated sparrow perched on a stone wall

Yoshida Castle Stone monument at the ruins of Yoshida Castle

Yoshida Castle from the opposite bank of the Toyokawa River

Yoshida Castle Honmaru stone wall

Moss on rocks

View of the Hishi Yagura turret from the Kahoku Gate of Kanazawa Castle (nationally important)

Sendai Castle Bronze statue of Hasekura Tsunenaga

Snow-covered stone walls

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 5

Sendai Castle Honmaru stone wall

Sendai Castle Otemon Waki-yagura

Sendai Castle Otemon Gate Tower

Sendai Castle Otemon Waki-yagura

Sendai Castle Honmaru stone wall

Scenery of the castle ruins overlooking the Kumano River

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 2

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 4

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 3

Shadow of the stone wall and torii gate at the site of the Honmaru Gate of Sendai Castle

Sendai Castle Otemon Waki-yagura

Sendai Castle Otemon Gate Tower

Uwajima Castle

Uwajima Castle

Nakagusuku Castle Ruins "Historic Site"

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 1

Uwajima Castle

A series of stone walls

The wooden reconstruction of Kanazawa Castle's Gojikken Yagura and Hashizume Gate


Two cats

Uwajima Castle

Uwajima Castle Town

Matsumoto Castle

Kanazawa Castle's wooden reconstruction of the Gojikken-yagura and Hishi-yagura

Stone Wall

The wooden reconstruction of Kanazawa Castle's Gojikken Yagura and Hashizume Gate

Cat climbing a stone wall

Reconstructed in wood! Kanazawa Castle: Gojikken Yagura, Hashizume Gate and Hishi Yagura

View from Kochi Castle tower (southwest)

Hagi Castle Hiking trail to Mt. Shizuki

Kochi Castle Tower

View from Kochi Castle's castle tower (Honmaru)

View from the summit of Hagi Castle

Hagi Castle Hagi Castle Beach Stone Wall

Hagi Castle, Bronze Statue of Terumoto Mori

Hagiro Tianshuyuan

Hagi Castle, Hagi Castle Beach and the Sea of Japan

Hagi Castle, Hagi Castle Beach and the Sea of Japan

Hagi Castle, from Hagi Castle Beach to Mt. Shizuki

Bronze statue of Taisuke Itagaki

Kochi Castle

View from Kochi Castle (north)

Birthplace of Yamauchi Toyoshi

View from the castle tower of Hagi Castle

Hagi Castle Tenjuin Temple Site of Mori Terumoto's Crematorium

Statue of Yamauchi Kazutoyo's wife

View from Kochi Castle tower (southwest)

Kochi Castle

Hagi Castle: castle tower and inner moat

Kochi Castle (Otemae Gate)

Hagi Castle Keep

Hagi Castle, Hagi Castle Beach and the Sea of Japan

View from Kochi Castle (South)

Kochi Castle (Otemae Gate)

Hagi Castle Tsummaru The summit of Mt. Shizuki

Hagi Castle Hagi Castle Beach and Coast

Hagi Castle, Bronze Statue of Terumoto Mori

Hagi Castle Tsumemaru Rock with arrow holes

Kochi Castle (Otemae Gate)

Statue of Itagaki Taisuke

View from Kochi Castle tower (northwest)

Hagi Castle Keep

Kochi Castle Otemae Gate

Bronze statue of Kazutoyo Yamauchi

Kochi Castle Main Tower Entrance

Statue of Yamauchi Kazutoyo

Hagi Castle Tsummaru Stone Monument

View from the castle tower of Hagi Castle

View from Kochi Castle tower (southwest)
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