Pareto's Principle

Overseas currency

Door 16

Door 4

Door 12

Door 9


Donto grill

Donto grill

Smile business woman with numbers

Smile operator with numbers

Uchibori Street Road Sign

Number Cake 20

Number Cake 20

wooden block number 20

wooden block number 20

wooden block number 20

Warehouse door numbering (20)

wooden block number 20

wooden block number 20

wooden block number 20

wooden block number 20

20 twenty

wooden block number 20

Door 20

20 flower park

Swedish banknotes in a champagne glass

balloon 20

Chiyoda Ward Near the Miyakezaka intersection and the Metropolitan Expressway

Overseas currency

balloon 20 pink

balloon 20 monochrome

Overseas currency


Donto grill

Donto grill

Donto grill

Door 13

Donto grill

Morningburn and Suki

More and more

Donto grill

The world captured by macro lenses 20

Tarot Card / Major Arcana Referee

Smile female worker with numbers


Door 14

Door 15

Door 5

Door 3

Door 2

Door 8

Woman enjoying Nabega Falls

Signboard at Miyakezaka intersection

Discolored parking lot number (20)

Parking lot number (40)

20 pesticide-free summer mandarin oranges from Kanagawa Prefecture, approx. 6kg

Pareto's Law/Law of Variation



Tsukuba Station sign


Donto grill

Donto grill

Shinobazu Pond

Heart mark on the calendar

Intersection of Shinjuku Street and Sotobori Street

Smile female worker with numbers

Trunk room rental storage

vienna konzerthaus

Door 17

Door 19

Packed white and red eggs

Packed white and red eggs

Packed white and red eggs

Packed white and red eggs

Packed white and red eggs

Grilled gyoza 4 servings white background

20 recommended selections

Grilled gyoza 4 servings black background

Woman with numbers

apple in cardboard

apple in cardboard

apple in cardboard

Ukachi Beach on Yoron Island and the goal of the 20km marathon

20 cm

20 percent

In the flower garden greenhouse

Trinity Nebula (M20)・Celestial Objects

20 yen


Judgement Card

A kimono with 20


Fashionable ashtray ~ texture material

20th Anniversary Celebration

retro camera

Office employee 41 working in a stylish office

Stressful female

Waist x measure (up) 1
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