Taketomi Island (Okinawa Prefecture)

Taketomi Island / Ryukyu red roof tile private house

Okinawa remote island sightseeing (Taketomi Town)

Okinawa amulet, Shisa

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

Kohama Island_Sea

Spectacled Hawkfish Kuroshima

Spectacled Hawkfish Kuroshima

The view from Ufudaki Observatory on Kohama Island

Grave of Asato Kuyama

Sugar Cane field

Striped goby Iriomote Island

Striped goby Iriomote Island

Manju Ishimochi Iriomote Island

Nakama River Bridge

Yubu Island entrance

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

The island closest to the starry sky

Threadfin cardinalfish Iriomote Island

Threadfin cardinalfish Iriomote Island

Mangroves on Kohama Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

Ishigaki Island and Taketomi Island

The sky spreading over the roof of the Manta on Kohama Island

Taketomi Town Taketomi (Yaeyama District)

A remote island village where the original Okinawan scenery unfolds

Water buffalo car of Taketomijima

The view from Ufudaki Observatory on Kohama Island

Silver goby Iriomote Island

Taketomijima (Okinawa Prefecture)

Okinawa amulet, Shisa
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