bee sucking honey

Flight of pansies and velvet thrips

bee sucking honey

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and Himejoon 14

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and Himejoon 11

Elephant fly on the dwarf locust that has begun to bloom

Chrysanthemum fly sucking nectar from chrysanthemums

Hoverfly (Marmalade Hoverfly) and Himejoon 7 Hovering

Dandelion and Futahoshi Hirataab

Hoverfly (Marmalade Hoverfly) and Himejoon 9 Hovering

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and Himejoon 10

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and Himejoon 12

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and Himejoon 4

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and yellow margaret 1

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and yellow margaret 2

Hoverflies gather on chrysanthemum flowers

Marmalade hoverfly on the flower of Kinmokusei

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and yellow marguerite 7

Marmalade hoverfly comes first when rape blossoms begin to bloom

Hoverfly (Marmalade Hoverfly) and Yellow Margaret 5

Marmalade hoverfly on common dandelion

Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly) and yellow marguerite 6

A bee sucking nectar from chrysanthemums

Marmalade hoverfly yellow flower

Hoverfly (Himehirataab) and Himejoon 2

Hoverfly (Himehirataab) and Himejoon 3

Hoverfly (Himehirataab) and Himejoon 4

A bee sucking nectar from chrysanthemums

Aphid on a small white flower of Yaemugura

Flight of rape blossoms and hoverflies

Flower fly perching on hymedion

Shaga flower and Hosohirataab

Ohanaab rubbing his hind legs together

Shaga flower and Hosohirataab

Agapanthus macro on green background

Ohanaab on a yellow flower

Agapanthus ③ on green background

Agapanthus ① on green background

Flight of Borage and Velvet Turiab

Agapanthus on green background②

Beautiful thistle flower and flower horsefly

Beautiful thistle flower and flower horsefly

Beautiful thistle flower and flower horsefly

Beautiful thistle flower and flower horsefly

Beautiful thistle flower and flower horsefly

Beautiful thistle flower and flower horsefly

Beautiful thistle flower and flower horsefly

Hoverfly and hydrangea

Sunflowers and bees

A colony of Himettsurusoba and a nectar-sucking fly

Hosohirataab sucking the nectar of Pleurotus chinensis on a farm road in Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture in autumn

Hoverfly (Marmalade Hoverfly) and Yellow Margaret 3


Flower Abu flying near blue hydrangea flowers
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