Applying purple paint with a roller

A man working under the sink

man working under the sink

A man working with his legs crossed

Man sitting on a ladder looking at camera

A man holding a tool and smiling at the camera

A woman calling on a smartphone

Man sitting and looking under the sink

A man repairing under the sink

A man sitting and doing repairs

A woman wearing goggles and looking at the camera with her arms crossed

Hand of a person carrying a tool box

woman applying varnish

Smiling woman with hands on hips looking at camera

Tool box and tools placed on a ladder

Rear view of a man installing a door

A man carrying tools and repairing

Man repairing under the sink

A woman measuring the wall with a tape measure

Purple paint brush on a moss green background

A woman wearing a hat and holding a trowel and a roller (front)

The process of applying a brush to a can of yellow-green paint and then laying the brush on its side

Purple and light blue paint with brushes lined up behind

A man wearing goggles is sitting in a workshop and looking at the camera.

A male craftsman looking into the distance

A man seriously pasting together wooden boards

A male craftsman wearing headphones and goggles tilts his head and thinks

A woman wearing goggles and folding her arms looking at the camera

A man in a workshop wearing goggles with his arms crossed looking at the camera

A woman sitting with headphones around her neck and smiling at the camera

A man sitting and looking under the sink

A man and a woman talking next to a ladder

The hands of a person holding a square piece of wood and carving it with a plane

A man stacking wooden boards

A small amount of pink paint is dripping from a brush.

Vertical photo of painted walls and floors

A man and a woman measuring length with a tape measure

Cool-toned paint and brushes seen from above

Close-up of paint color samples

Applying purple paint to a roller

A close-up of a paint can and brush

Vertical photo of a paint brush being applied to a can of lime green paint

A woman thinking while holding a writing utensil

Front view shot of a woman on her thighs looking at the camera with her arms folded and wearing headphones

man looking visually

A man looking at the camera

A man carrying a board on his shoulder and looking away

A man measuring the length of a wooden board with a tape measure

A vertical close-up of someone applying a brush to a can of lime green paint

A vertical photo of a paint brush with a little pink paint dripping down

A man wearing visual headphones around his neck

Paint swatches and cans of paint on a moss green background

Hands of a person holding tools in both hands

A man measuring the width of a wooden board

Woman in headphones with goggles and looking at camera

A man diligently applying varnish

A woman applying varnish to the bottom of a wooden board with a brush

A woman wearing headphones and goggles with her arms crossed and looking at the camera

A woman looking into the distance and thinking for a while

A man in a helmet measuring with a tape measure

Brushes and three types of paint lined up side by side, viewed from directly above

Hand holding a tool box

Upper thigh photo of a woman looking at the camera with her hands on her hips

A man carrying a tree on his shoulders and looking at the camera

A man visually checks by touching

A woman carefully applying varnish

Man carrying a tree and looking at camera

A man wearing goggles holding up a wooden board and looking at it

A man pasting wooden boards at right angles

A woman wearing headphones with her hands on her hips and looking at the camera

A man carrying a tree and looking at the camera

A male craftsman wearing headphones and goggles looking into the distance

Lifting a brush of white paint from a can

Applying light blue paint with a roller

Paint color swatches

4 colors of paint and a roller

Male worker waiting for tools

Men and women working near the wall

A man measuring the area under the sink with a tape measure

A man drawing a line on a wooden board

A woman is making a fuss while applying varnish.

Frontal photo of a woman wearing headphones with her arms crossed and looking at the camera in a workshop

A man holding a wooden board and looking into the distance with a grim look on his face

A woman wearing headphones in a workshop with her arms crossed and looking at the camera

man writing in notebook

A man in goggles carries a board while looking into the distance

A man carefully applying varnish

Hand of a person who hammers a chisel with a hammer

Bust-up of a woman looking at the camera with her arms crossed

A man measuring the thickness of a wooden board

A man checking whether a wooden board is flat

Close-up of light blue, white, yellow-green paint on a light blue background

A man sitting with his legs crossed looking at his smartphone

Carry a drill and tool box with you

Hand of a person cutting a square piece of wood with a planer

Vertical photo of a brush with white paint being lifted from a can

Light blue paint dripping into a can

A man and a woman checking the smoothness of a wooden board

A woman applying varnish to the middle of a wooden board

A man looking cool and looking at the camera
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